Add images the bot can upload
Author: TrustyJAID
Command | Description |
Add an image for the bot to directly upload |
;addimage ignoreglobal
Toggle usage of bot owner set global images on this server |
;addimage clean_deleted_images
Cleanup deleted images that are not supposed to be saved anymore |
;addimage clear_images
Clear all the images stored for the current server |
;addimage delete <name>
Remove a selected images |
;addimage add <name>
Add an image to direct upload on this server |
;addimage list [image_loc=guild] [server_id]
List images added to bot |
A collection of server administration utilities.
Author: Cog Creators
Command | Description |
;addrole <rolename> [user=<you>]
Add a role to a user. |
;removerole <rolename> [user=<you>]
Remove a role from a user. |
Edit role settings. |
;editrole colour <role> <value>
Edit a role's colour. |
;editrole name <role> <name>
Edit a role's name. |
Change how announcements are sent in this guild. |
;announceset clearchannel
Unsets the channel for announcements. |
;announceset channel <channel>
Change the channel where the bot will send announcements. |
;selfrole <selfrole>
Add or remove a selfrole from yourself. |
;selfrole list
Lists all available selfroles. |
Manage selfroles. |
;selfroleset add <roles...>
Add a role, or a selection of roles, to the list of available selfroles. |
;selfroleset remove <roles...>
Remove a role, or a selection of roles, from the list of available selfroles. |
;selfroleset clear
Clear the list of available selfroles for this server. |
Adventure, derived from the Goblins Adventure cog by locastan.
Author: locastan, aikaterna, TrustyJAID, and Draper
Command | Description |
[Admin] Modify themes. |
;themeset list
[Admin] Show custom objects in the specified theme. |
;themeset list pet <theme>
[Admin] Show pet objects in the specified theme. |
;themeset list monster <theme>
[Admin] Show monster objects in the specified theme. |
Resets your character level and increases your rebirths by 1. |
;negaverse <offering>
This will send you to fight a nega-member! |
;loot [box_type] [number=1]
This opens one of your precious treasure chests. |
;convert <box_rarity> [amount=1]
Convert normal, rare or epic chests. |
Set up gear sets or loadouts. |
;loadout delete <name>
Delete a saved loadout. |
;loadout show [name]
Show saved loadouts. |
;loadout save <name>
Save your current equipment as a loadout. |
;loadout equip <name>
Equip a saved loadout. |
;aleaderboard [show_global=False]
Print the leaderboard. |
;scoreboard [show_global=False]
Print the scoreboard. |
;nvsb [show_global=False]
Print the negaverse scoreboard. |
;wscoreboard [show_global=False]
Print the weekly scoreboard. |
Transfer currency between players/economies. |
;atransfer deposit <amount>
Convert bank currency to gold. |
;atransfer withdraw <amount>
Convert gold to bank currency. |
;atransfer player <amount> <player>
Transfer gold to another player. |
Show your sets. |
Get some free gold. |
;heroclass [clz] ["info"]
Allows you to select a class if you are level 10 or above. |
[Ranger Class Only] |
;pet free
Free your pet :cry: |
;pet forage
Use your pet to forage for items! |
[Cleric Class Only] |
[Psychic Class Only] |
[Berserker Class Only] |
[Wizard Class Only] |
[Bard Class Only] |
[Tinkerer Class Only] |
;skill [skill] [amount=1]
This allows you to spend skillpoints. |
;setinfo [set_name]
Show set bonuses for the specified set. |
;stats [user]
This draws up a character sheet of you or an optionally specified member. |
;unequip <item>
This stashes a specified equipped item into your backpack. |
;equip <item>
This equips an item from your backpack. |
;backpack [show_diff=False] [rarity] [slot]
This shows the contents of your backpack. |
;backpack sellall [rarity] [slot]
Sell all items in your backpack. Optionally specify rarity or slot. |
;backpack sell <item>
Sell an item from your backpack. |
;backpack eset <set_name>
Equip all parts of a set that you own. |
;backpack equip <equip_item>
Equip an item from your backpack. |
;backpack trade <buyer> [asking=1000] <item>
Trade an item from your backpack to another user. |
;backpack disassemble <backpack_items>
Disassemble items from your backpack. |
;ebackpack [show_diff=False] [rarity] [slot]
This shows the contents of your backpack that can be equipped. |
Complex backpack management tools. |
;cbackpack show <query>
This shows the contents of your backpack. |
;cbackpack disassemble <query>
Disassemble items from your backpack. |
;cbackpack sell <query>
Sell items from your backpack. |
Setup various adventure settings. |
;adventureset cart [channel]
[Admin] Add or remove a text channel that the Trader cart can appear in. |
;adventureset rebirthcost <percentage>
[Admin] Set what percentage of the user balance to charge for rebirths. |
;adventureset showsettings
Display current settings. |
;adventureset cartroom [room]
[Admin] Lock carts to a specific text channel. |
;adventureset embeds
[Admin] Set whether or not to use embeds for the adventure game. |
;adventureset economy
[Admin] Manages the adventure economy. |
;adventureset economy maxwithdraw <amount>
[Admin] Set how much players are allowed to withdraw. |
;adventureset economy withdraw
[Admin] Toggle whether users are allowed to withdraw from adventure currency to main currency. |
;adventureset locks
[Admin] Reset Adventure locks. |
;adventureset locks adventure
[Admin] Reset the adventure game lock for the server. |
;adventureset carttime <time>
[Admin] Set the cooldown of the cart. |
;adventureset version
Display the version of adventure being used. |
;adventureset cartname <name>
[Admin] Set the server's name of the cart. |
;adventureset god <name>
[Admin] Set the server's name of the god. |
;adventure [challenge]
This will send you on an adventure! |
Alert when a dragon appears in adventure
Author: TrustyJAID
Command | Description |
Set notifications for all adventures |
;adventurealert settings
Shows a list of servers you have alerts |
;adventurealert role [alert_style] <role>
Add or remove a role to be pinged when a dragon appears |
;adventurealert removeall
Remove all adventurealert settings in all guilds |
;adventurealert toggle [alert_style]
Toggle adventure notifications in this server |
;adventurealert removeuser <user_id> [alert_style]
Remove a specific user ID from adventure alerts |
;adventurealert global [alert_style]
Toggle adventure notifications in all shared servers |
Create aliases for commands. Aliases are alternative names/shortcuts for commands. They can act as both a lambda (storing arguments for repeated use) or as simply a shortcut to saying "x y z". When run, aliases will accept any additional arguments and append them to the stored alias.
Author: Cog Creators
Command | Description |
Manage command aliases. |
;alias help <alias_name>
Try to execute help for the base command of the alias. |
;alias global
Manage global aliases. |
;alias global list
List the available global aliases on this bot. |
;alias edit <alias_name> <command>
Edit an existing alias in this server. |
;alias add <alias_name> <command>
Add an alias for a command. |
;alias list
List the available aliases on this server. |
;alias show <alias_name>
Show what command the alias executes. |
;alias delete <alias_name>
Delete an existing alias on this server. |
Play audio through voice channels.
Author: Cog Creators
Command | Description |
;queue [page=1]
List the songs in the queue. |
;queue cleanself
Removes all tracks you requested from the queue. |
;queue clear
Clears the queue. |
;queue search <search_words>
Search the queue. |
;queue clean
Removes songs from the queue if the requester is not in the voice channel. |
;queue shuffle
Shuffles the queue. |
Playlist configuration options. |
;playlist info <playlist_name_OR_id> [args]
Retrieve information from a saved playlist. |
;playlist copy <id_or_name> [args]
Copy a playlist from one scope to another. |
;playlist create <name> [args]
Create an empty playlist. |
;playlist list [args]
List saved playlists. |
;playlist queue <name> [args]
Save the queue to a playlist. |
;playlist dedupe <playlist_name_OR_id> [args]
Remove duplicate tracks from a saved playlist. |
;playlist remove <playlist_name_OR_id> <url> [args]
Remove a track from a playlist by url. |
;playlist save <name> <url> [args]
Save a playlist from a url. |
;playlist delete <playlist_name_OR_id> [args]
Delete a saved playlist. |
;playlist update <playlist_name_OR_id> [args]
Updates all tracks in a playlist. |
;playlist rename <playlist_name_OR_id> <new_name> [args]
Rename an existing playlist. |
;playlist start <playlist_name_OR_id> [args]
Load a playlist into the queue. |
;playlist append <playlist_name_OR_id> <track_name_OR_url> [args]
Add a track URL, playlist link, or quick search to a playlist. |
;play <query>
Play the specified track or search for a close match. |
;bumpplay [play_now=False] <query>
Force play a URL or search for a track. |
Pick a Spotify playlist from a list of categories to start playing. |
Starts auto play. |
;search <query>
Pick a track with a search. |
Make Red sing one of her songs. |
Queue percentage. |
Local playback commands. |
;local folder [folder]
Play all songs in a localtracks folder. |
;local search <search_words>
Search for songs across all localtracks folders. |
;local play
Play a local track. |
Equalizer management. |
;eq list
List saved eq presets. |
;eq set <band_name_or_position> <band_value>
Set an eq band with a band number or name and value. |
;eq delete <eq_preset>
Delete a saved eq preset. |
;eq save [eq_preset]
Save the current eq settings to a preset. |
;eq reset
Reset the eq to 0 across all bands. |
;eq load <eq_preset>
Load a saved eq preset. |
Disconnect from the voice channel. |
Now playing. |
Pause or resume a playing track. |
Skip to the start of the previously played track. |
;seek <seconds>
Seek ahead or behind on a track by seconds or to a specific time. |
Toggle shuffle. |
;shuffle bumped
Toggle bumped track shuffle. |
;skip [skip_to_track]
Skip to the next track, or to a given track number. |
Stop playback and clear the queue. |
Summon the bot to a voice channel. |
;volume [vol]
Set the volume, 1% - 150%. |
Toggle repeat. |
;remove <index_or_url>
Remove a specific track number from the queue. |
;bump <index>
Bump a track number to the top of the queue. |
Music configuration options. |
;audioset restrictions
Manages the keyword whitelist and blacklist. |
;audioset restrictions whitelist
Manages the keyword whitelist. |
;audioset restrictions whitelist list
List all keywords added to the whitelist. |
;audioset restrictions whitelist clear
Clear all keywords from the whitelist. |
;audioset restrictions whitelist add <keyword>
Adds a keyword to the whitelist. |
;audioset restrictions whitelist delete <keyword>
Removes a keyword from the whitelist. |
;audioset restrictions blacklist
Manages the keyword blacklist. |
;audioset restrictions blacklist delete <keyword>
Removes a keyword from the blacklist. |
;audioset restrictions blacklist list
List all keywords added to the blacklist. |
;audioset restrictions blacklist add <keyword>
Adds a keyword to the blacklist. |
;audioset restrictions blacklist clear
Clear all keywords added to the blacklist. |
;audioset dailyqueue
Toggle daily queues. |
;audioset mycountrycode <country>
Set the country code for Spotify searches. |
;audioset thumbnail
Toggle displaying a thumbnail on audio messages. |
;audioset jukebox <price>
Set a price for queueing tracks for non-mods, 0 to disable. |
;audioset maxvolume <maximum volume>
Set the maximum volume allowed in this server. |
;audioset dc
Toggle the bot auto-disconnecting when done playing. |
;audioset vote <percent>
Percentage needed for non-mods to skip tracks, 0 to disable. |
;audioset role <role_name>
Set the role to use for DJ mode. |
;audioset dj
Toggle DJ mode. |
;audioset autoplay
Change auto-play setting. |
;audioset autoplay toggle
Toggle auto-play when there no songs in queue. |
;audioset autoplay reset
Resets auto-play to the default playlist. |
;audioset autoplay playlist <playlist_name_OR_id> [args]
Set a playlist to auto-play songs from. |
;audioset maxlength <seconds>
Max length of a track to queue in seconds, 0 to disable. |
;audioset notify
Toggle track announcement and other bot messages. |
;audioset emptydisconnect <seconds>
Auto-disconnect from channel when bot is alone in it for x seconds, 0 to disable. |
;audioset settings
Show the current settings. |
;audioset persistqueue
Toggle persistent queues. |
;audioset emptypause <seconds>
Auto-pause after x seconds when room is empty, 0 to disable. |
;audioset countrycode <country>
Set the country code for Spotify searches. |
;audioset autodeafen
Toggle whether the bot will be auto deafened upon joining the voice channel. |
;audioset lyrics
Prioritise tracks with lyrics. |
Auto-upload files with configured extension sent by users to
Author: Jakub Kuczys (
Command | Description |
AutoGist settings. |
;autogistset listentohumans [state]
Make AutoGist listen to messages from humans in this server. |
;autogistset blockchannels <channels...>
Block the bot from listening to the given channels. |
;autogistset allowchannels <channels...>
Allow the bot to listen to the given channels. |
;autogistset listentobots [state]
Make AutoGist listen to messages from other bots in this server. |
;autogistset listentoself [state]
Make the bot listen to messages from itself in this server. |
;autogistset channeldefault [allow]
Set whether AutoGist should by default listen to channels. |
;autogistset extensions
Settings for file extensions |
;autogistset extensions add <extensions...>
Add file extensions to the list. |
;autogistset extensions list
List file extensions that are required for AutoGist to upload file to Gist. |
;autogistset extensions remove <extensions...>
Remove file extensions from the list. |
;autogistset listoverridden
List guild channels that don't use the default setting. |
Interact with and view discord's automod
Author: TrustyJAID
Command | Description |
Commnads for interacting with automod |
;automod triggers
View the servers saved automod triggers |
;automod actions
View the servers saved automod actions |
;automod create
Create automod rules, triggers, and actions |
;automod create trigger <name> <trigger>
Create a saved trigger for use in automod Rules. |
;automod create action <name> <action>
Create a saved action for use in automod Rules. |
;automod create rule <name> <rule>
Create an automod rule in the server |
;automod rules
View the servers current automod rules |
Le away cog
Author: aikaterna, Axas, and TrustyJAID
Command | Description |
;away [delete_after] [message]
Tell the bot you're away or back. |
;idle [delete_after] [message]
Set an automatic reply when you're idle. |
;offline [delete_after] [message]
Set an automatic reply when you're offline. |
;dnd [delete_after] [message]
Set an automatic reply when you're dnd. |
;streaming [delete_after] [message]
Set an automatic reply when you're streaming. |
;listening [delete_after] [message= ]
Set an automatic reply when you're listening to Spotify. |
;gaming <game> [delete_after] [message]
Set an automatic reply when you're playing a specified game. |
;toggleaway [member]
Toggle away messages on the whole server or a specific guild member. |
Toggle forcing the guild's away messages to be text only. |
View your current away settings |
Create fun fake badges based on your discord profile
Author: TrustyJAID
Command | Description |
;badges <badge>
Creates a fun fake badge based on your discord profile |
;gbadges <badge>
Creates a fun fake gif badge based on your discord profile |
List the available badges that can be created |
Synchronize your bans.
Author: Unknown
Repo: Unknown (Removed from Downloader)
Command | Description |
Options for bansync |
;bansyncset automaticoptin
This allows you to opt into certain automatic actions. |
;bansyncset automaticoptout
This allows you to opt a server out of being selected for some actions |
Exports current servers bans to json |
Imports bans from json |
;bulkban [ids...]
bulk global bans by id |
;bansync [auto=False]
syncs bans across servers |
;mjolnir [users]... [reason]
Swing the heaviest of ban hammers |
;unglobalban [users]... [reason]
To issue forgiveness. |
Author: TrustyJAID
Command | Description |
Commands for setting bingo settings |
;bingoset name <name>
Set the name of the current bingo card. |
;bingoset icon [image_url]
Add an icon image to the bingo card |
;bingoset clear
Clear out the current bingo cards tiles. |
;bingoset seed <seed>
Set an additional seed to the randomness of players cards. |
;bingoset bingo <bingo>
Set the "BINGO" of the board. |
;bingoset watermark [image_url]
Add a watermark image to the bingo card |
;bingoset tiles <tiles>
Set the tiles for the servers bingo cards. |
;bingoset box <colour>
Set the colour of the Bingo card boxes border. |
;bingoset text <colour>
Set the colour of the text. |
;bingoset bgtile [image_url]
Set the background image (tiled). |
;bingoset settings
Show the current bingo card settings |
;bingoset stamp <colour>
Set the colour of the "stamp" that fills the box. |
;bingoset reset [member]
Reset a users bingo card or reset the whole servers bingo card. |
;bingoset background <colour>
Set the colour of the Bingo card background. |
;bingo [stamp]
Generate a Bingo Card |
Author: TrustyJAID, crhallberg, and Cards Against Humanity®
Command | Description |
Cards Against Humanity®️ commands |
;cah start [rounds=10] [card_set]
Start a game of Cards Against Humanity®️ |
;cah list
List all the available set names. |
Author: Redjumpman (Redjumpman#1337)
Command | Description |
;allin <multiplier>
Bets all your currency for a chance to win big! |
;blackjack <bet>
Play a game of blackjack. |
;craps <bet>
Plays a modified version of craps |
;coin <bet> <choice>
Coin flip game with a 50/50 chance to win. |
;cups <bet> <cup>
Guess which cup of three is hiding the coin. |
;dice <bet>
Roll a set of dice and win on 2, 7, 11, 12. |
;double <bet>
Play a game of Double Or Nothing. |
;hilo <bet> <choice>
Pick high, low, or 7 in a dice rolling game. |
;war <bet>
Play a modified game of war. |
Interacts with the Casino system. |
;casino version
Shows the current Casino version. |
;casino releasecredits <player>
Approves pending currency for a user. |
;casino admin
A list of Admin level and above commands for Casino. |
;casino info
Shows information about Casino. |
;casino resetinstance
Reset global/server cooldowns, settings, memberships, or everything. |
;casino stats [player]
Shows your play statistics for Casino |
;casino memberships
Displays a list of server/global memberships. |
;casino resetuser <user>
Reset a user's cooldowns, stats, or everything. |
Changes Casino settings |
;casinoset assignmem <player> <membership>
Manually assigns a membership to a user. |
;casinoset memdesigner
A process to create, edit, and delete memberships. |
;casinoset oldstyle
Toggle between editing and sending new messages for casino games.. |
;casinoset max <game> <maximum>
Sets the maximum bid for a game. |
;casinoset min <game> <minimum>
Sets the minimum bid for a game. |
;casinoset access <game> <access>
Sets the access level required to play a game. |
;casinoset gametoggle <game>
Opens/Closes a specific game for use. |
;casinoset payouttoggle
Turns on a payout limit. |
;casinoset revokemem <player>
Revoke an assigned membership. |
;casinoset multiplier <game> <multiplier>
Sets the payout multiplier for a game. |
;casinoset cooldown <game> <cooldown>
Sets the cooldown for a game. |
;casinoset name <name>
Sets the name of the Casino. |
;casinoset toggle
Opens and closes the Casino for use. |
;casinoset payoutlimit <limit>
Sets a payout limit. |
Create Papers Please citations Citation generation from
Author: Saphire and TrustyJAID
Command | Description |
;citate <content>
Generate a citation from papers please |
;citate set
Set citation settings for the server. |
;citate set maketheme <name> <background> <foreground> <details>
Create your own custom theme to be used for advanced citation |
;citate set penalty <penalty>
Set the citation penalty for the server. |
;citate set theme <theme>
Set the citation theme to be used on this server |
;citate set title <title>
Set the citation title for the server. |
;citate advanced <citation>
Generate a citation from papers please |
This cog contains commands used for "cleaning up" (deleting) messages. This is designed as a moderator tool and offers many convenient use cases. All cleanup commands only apply to the channel the command is executed in. Messages older than two weeks cannot be mass deleted. This is a limitation of the API.
Author: Cog Creators
Command | Description |
Base command for deleting messages. |
;cleanup self <number> [match_pattern] [delete_pinned=False]
Clean up messages owned by the bot in the current channel. |
;cleanup duplicates [number=50]
Deletes duplicate messages in the channel from the last X messages and keeps only one copy. |
;cleanup text <text> <number> [delete_pinned=False]
Delete the last X messages matching the specified text in the current channel. |
;cleanup before [message_id] <number> [delete_pinned=False]
Deletes X messages before the specified message. |
;cleanup user <user> <number> [delete_pinned=False]
Delete the last X messages from a specified user in the current channel. |
;cleanup bot <number> [delete_pinned=False]
Clean up command messages and messages from the bot in the current channel. |
;cleanup between <one> <two> [delete_pinned=False]
Delete the messages between Message One and Message Two, providing the messages IDs. |
;cleanup messages <number> [delete_pinned=False]
Delete the last X messages in the current channel. |
;cleanup after [message_id] [delete_pinned=False]
Delete all messages after a specified message. |
Manage the settings for the cleanup command. |
;cleanupset notify
Toggle clean up notification settings. |
Compliment users because there's too many insults
Author: Airen, JennJenn, and TrustyJAID
Command | Description |
;compliment [user]
Compliment the user |
Gather information about various crypto currencies, stocks, and converts to different currencies
Author: TrustyJAID
Command | Description |
;btc [amount=1.0] [currency=USD] [full]
converts from BTC to a given currency. |
;eth [amount=1.0] [currency=USD] [full]
converts from ETH to a given currency. |
;ltc [amount=1.0] [currency=USD] [full]
converts from LTC to a given currency. |
;xmr [amount=1.0] [currency=USD] [full]
converts from XMR to a given currency. |
;bch [amount=1.0] [currency=USD] [full]
converts from BCH to a given currency. |
;doge [amount=1.0] [currency=USD] [full]
converts from XDG to a given currency. |
;multicoin [coins...]
Gets the current USD value for a list of coins |
;crypto <coin> [amount=1.0] [currency=USD] [full]
Displays the latest information about a specified crypto currency |
;stock <ticker> [currency=USD]
Gets current ticker symbol price. |
;convertcurrency <currency1> <currency2> [amount=1.0]
Converts a value between 2 different currencies |
The Core cog has many commands related to core functions. These commands come loaded with every Red bot, and cover some of the most basic usage of the bot.
Author: Cog Creators
Command | Description |
Shows info about [botname]. |
Shows [botname]'s uptime. |
Commands which interact with the data [botname] has about you. |
;mydata whatdata
Find out what type of data [botname] stores and why. |
;mydata 3rdparty
View the End User Data statements of each 3rd-party module. |
;mydata getmydata
[Coming Soon] Get what data [botname] has about you. |
;mydata forgetme
Have [botname] forget what it knows about you. |
Commands for toggling embeds on or off. |
;embedset command <command> [enabled]
Sets a command's embed setting. |
;embedset command server <command> [enabled]
Sets a command's embed setting for the current server. |
;embedset channel <channel> [enabled]
Set's a channel's embed setting. |
;embedset server [enabled]
Set the server's embed setting. |
;embedset showsettings [command]
Show the current embed settings. |
;embedset user [enabled]
Sets personal embed setting for DMs. |
Shows [botname]'s invite url. |
Base command for bank settings. |
;bankset registeramount <creds>
Set the initial balance for new bank accounts. |
;bankset reset [confirmation=False]
Delete all bank accounts. |
;bankset prune
Base command for pruning bank accounts. |
;bankset prune user <user> [confirmation=False]
Delete the bank account of a specified user. |
;bankset prune server [confirmation=False]
Prune bank accounts for users no longer in the server. |
;bankset maxbal <amount>
Set the maximum balance a user can get. |
;bankset bankname <name>
Set the bank's name. |
;bankset showsettings
Show the current bank settings. |
;bankset creditsname <name>
Set the name for the bank's currency. |
Manage modlog settings. |
;modlogset cases [action]
Enable or disable case creation for a mod action. |
;modlogset modlog [channel]
Set a channel as the modlog. |
;modlogset resetcases
Reset all modlog cases in this server. |
Commands for changing [botname]'s settings. |
;set regionalformat <language_code>
Changes the bot's regional format in this server. This is used for formatting date, time and numbers. |
;set regionalformat server <language_code>
Changes the bot's regional format in this server. This is used for formatting date, time and numbers. |
;set serverfuzzy
Toggle whether to enable fuzzy command search for the server. |
;set serverprefix [server] [prefixes...]
Sets [botname]'s server prefix(es). |
;set locale <language_code>
Changes [botname]'s locale in this server. |
;set locale server <language_code>
Changes [botname]'s locale in this server. |
;set deletedelay [time]
Set the delay until the bot removes the command message. |
;set roles
Set server's admin and mod roles for [botname]. |
;set roles removemodrole <role>
Removes a mod role for this server. |
;set roles addmodrole <role>
Adds a moderator role for this server. |
;set roles removeadminrole <role>
Removes an admin role for this server. |
;set roles addadminrole <role>
Adds an admin role for this server. |
;set showsettings [server]
Show the current settings for [botname]. |
;set usebotcolour
Toggle whether to use the bot owner-configured colour for embeds. |
;set bot
Commands for changing [botname]'s metadata. |
;set bot nickname [nickname]
Sets [botname]'s nickname for the current server. |
;contact <message>
Sends a message to the owner. |
Commands to manage the server specific allowlist. |
;localallowlist clear
Clears the allowlist. |
;localallowlist list
Lists users and roles on the server allowlist. |
;localallowlist remove <users_or_roles...>
Removes user or role from the allowlist. |
;localallowlist add <users_or_roles...>
Adds a user or role to the server allowlist. |
Commands to manage the server specific blocklist. |
;localblocklist clear
Clears the server blocklist. |
;localblocklist remove <users_or_roles...>
Removes user or role from local blocklist. |
;localblocklist add <users_or_roles...>
Adds a user or role to the local blocklist. |
;localblocklist list
Lists users and roles on the server blocklist. |
Commands to enable and disable commands and cogs. |
;command enablecog <cog>
Enable a cog in this server. |
;command disable <command>
Disable a command. |
;command disable server <command>
Disable a command in this server only. |
;command enable <command>
Enable a command. |
;command enable server <command>
Enable a command in this server. |
;command disablecog <cog>
Disable a cog in this server. |
;command listdisabledcogs
List the cogs which are disabled in this server. |
;command listdisabled
List disabled commands. |
;command listdisabled global
List disabled commands globally. |
;command listdisabled guild
List disabled commands in this server. |
Commands to manage server settings for immunity from automated actions. |
;autoimmune add <user_or_role>
Makes a user or role immune from automated moderation actions. |
;autoimmune remove <user_or_role>
Remove a user or role from being immune to automated moderation actions. |
;autoimmune isimmune <user_or_role>
Checks if a user or role would be considered immune from automated actions. |
;autoimmune list
Gets the current members and roles configured for automatic moderation action immunity. |
Commands to add servers or channels to the ignore list. |
;ignore channel [channel=<this channel>]
Ignore commands in the channel, thread, or category. |
;ignore list
List the currently ignored servers and channels. |
;ignore server
Ignore commands in this server. |
Commands to remove servers or channels from the ignore list. |
;unignore channel [channel=<this channel>]
Remove a channel, thread, or category from the ignore list. |
;unignore server
Remove this server from the ignore list. |
Get info about Red's licenses. |
Create your very own crab rave
Author: DankMemer Team, TrustyJAID, and thisisjvgrace
Command | Description |
;crab <text>
Make crab rave videos |
;miku <text>
Make miku rave videos |
This cog contains commands for creating and managing custom commands that display text. These are useful for storing information members might need, like FAQ answers or invite links. Custom commands can be used by anyone by default, so be careful with pings. Commands can only be lowercase, and will not respond to any uppercase letters.
Author: Cog Creators
Command | Description |
Base command for Custom Commands management. |
;customcom delete <command>
Delete a custom command. |
;customcom show <command_name>
Shows a custom command's responses and its settings. |
;customcom list
List all available custom commands. |
;customcom search <query>
Searches through custom commands, according to the query. |
;customcom create <command> <text>
Create custom commands. |
;customcom create simple <command> <text>
Add a simple custom command. |
;customcom create random <command>
Create a CC where it will randomly choose a response! |
;customcom cooldown <command> [cooldown] [per=member]
Set, edit, or view the cooldown for a custom command. |
;customcom raw <command>
Get the raw response of a custom command, to get the proper markdown. |
;customcom edit <command> [text]
Edit a custom command. |
Author: Neuro Assassin
Command | Description |
Group command for controlling the web dashboard for Red. |
;dashboard roles
Customize the roles that have permission to certain parts of the dashboard. |
;dashboard roles edit <role> [permissions...]
Edit the permissions registered with a registered role. |
;dashboard roles perms
Displays permission keywords matched with humanized descriptions. |
;dashboard roles info <role>
List permissions for a registered role. |
;dashboard roles delete <role>
Unregister a role from the dashboard. |
;dashboard roles list
List roles registered with dashboard. |
;dashboard roles create <role> [permissions...]
Register a new discord role to access certain parts of the dashboard. |
Get information from the Destiny 2 API
Author: TrustyJAID
Command | Description |
Get information from the Destiny 2 API |
;destiny xûr [character]
Display a menu of Xûr's current wares |
;destiny activities [character]
Get information about available activities |
;destiny user [user=<you>]
Display a menu of your basic character's info |
;destiny stats <stat_type>
Display each character's stats for a specific activity |
;destiny joinme
Get your Steam ID to give people to join your in-game fireteam |
;destiny tweets [account]
Get the latest news articles from |
;destiny forgetme
Remove your authorization to the destiny API on the bot |
;destiny raids
Show your current raid completion state |
;destiny craftable
Show which weapons you're missing deepsight resonance for crafting |
;destiny set
Setup for the Destiny cog |
;destiny set tweets [channel]
Setup a channel to receive Bungie Help tweets automatically |
;destiny set news [channel]
Setup a channel to receive Destiny news articles automatically |
;destiny clan
Clan settings |
;destiny clan set <clan_id>
Set the clan ID for this server |
;destiny clan info [clan_id]
Display basic information about the clan set in this server |
;destiny clan pending
Display pending clan members. |
;destiny clan roster ["csv"|"md"|"raw"]
Get the full clan roster |
;destiny search
Search for a destiny item, vendor, record, etc. |
;destiny search lore [entry]
Find Destiny Lore |
;destiny search items [details_or_lore] <search>
Search for a specific item in Destiny 2 |
;destiny random
Get Random Items |
;destiny random exotic <weapons_or_class>
Get a random Exotic Weapon or choose a specific Class |
;destiny postmaster
View and pull from the postmaster |
;destiny history <activity> [character]
Display a menu of each character's last 5 activities |
;destiny nightfall [character]
Get information about this weeks Nightfall activity |
;destiny loadout
Commands for interacting with your loadouts |
;destiny loadout equipped [full=False]
Display a menu of each character's equipped weapons and their info |
;destiny loadout view
Display a menu of each character's equipped weapons and their info |
;destiny loadout equip <character> <loadout>
Equip a loadout on a specific character |
;destiny news
Get the latest news articles from |
;destiny vendor
Commands for looking up various vendor information |
;destiny vendor eververse [character]
Display items currently available on the Eververse in a menu. |
;destiny vendor banshee-44 [character]
Display Banshee-44's wares. |
;destiny vendor ada-1 [character]
Display Ada-1's wares |
;destiny vendor rahool [character]
Display Rahool's wares. |
;destiny vendor search <vendor> [character]
Display any vendors wares. |
;destiny vendor saint-14 [character]
Display Saint-14's wares |
;destiny dares
Get information about this weeks Nightfall activity |
;destiny reset
Show exactly when Weekyl and Daily reset is |
;destiny commendations
Show your commendation scores |
;destiny whereisxur
Display Xûr's current location |
Install community cogs made by Cog Creators. Community cogs, also called third party cogs, are not included in the default Red install. Community cogs come in repositories. Repos are a group of cogs you can install. You always need to add the creator's repository using the `[p]repo` command before you can install one or more cogs from the creator.
Author: Cog Creators
Command | Description |
;findcog <command_name>
Find which cog a command comes from. |
Get rich and have fun with imaginary currency!
Author: Cog Creators
Command | Description |
Base command to manage the bank. |
;bank transfer <to> <amount>
Transfer currency to other users. |
;bank balance [user=<you>]
Show the user's account balance. |
;bank set <to> <creds>
Set the balance of a user's bank account. |
Get some free currency. |
;leaderboard [top=10] [show_global=False]
Print the leaderboard. |
Show the payouts for the slot machine. |
;slot <bid>
Use the slot machine. |
Base command to manage Economy settings. |
;economyset slottime <duration>
Set the cooldown for the slot machine. |
;economyset paydayamount <creds>
Set the amount earned each payday. |
;economyset paydaytime <duration>
Set the cooldown for the payday command. |
;economyset showsettings
Shows the current economy settings |
;economyset rolepaydayamount <role> <creds>
Set the amount earned each payday for a role. |
;economyset slotmax <bid>
Set the maximum slot machine bid. |
;economyset slotmin <bid>
Set the minimum slot machine bid. |
Display information from the periodic table of elements
Author: TrustyJAID
Command | Description |
;element [element] [measurement]
Display information about an element |
Get information about emojis and see how to use them in your code.
Author: Jakub Kuczys (
Command | Description |
;emojiinfo <emoji>...
Get detailed information about passed emojis. |
Convert messages into fun encodings
Author: TrustyJAID
Command | Description |
Various hashing commands |
;hash sha1 <txt>
SHA1 Hash some Text |
;hash md5 <txt>
MD5 Hash some Text |
;hash sha256 <txt>
SHA256 Hash some Text |
;hash sha512 <txt>
SHA512 Hash some Text |
Encode a string. |
;encode binary <message>
Encode text into binary sequences of 8 |
;encode b16 <message>
Encode text into base 16 |
;encode hex <message>
Encode text into hexadecimal |
;encode braille <message>
Encode text into braille unicode characters |
;encode dna <message>
Encodes a string into DNA 4 byte ACGT format |
;encode b64 <message>
Encode text into base 64 |
;encode b32 <message>
Encode text into base 32 |
;encode chr <message>
Encode message into character numbers |
;encode rot [rot_key] <message>
Encode a caeser cipher message with specified key |
Decode a string. |
;decode rot [rot_key] <message>
Decode a caeser cipher message with specified key |
;decode b16 <message>
Decode base16 text |
;decode braille <message>
Decide braille unicode characters to ascii |
;decode chr <message>
Decode character numbers to a message |
;decode dna <message>
Decodes a string of DNA in 4 byte ACGT format. |
;decode binary <message>
Decode binary sequences of 8 |
;decode b32 <message>
Decode base32 text |
;decode b64 <message>
Decode base 64 text |
;decode hex <message>
Decode a hexadecimal sequence to text |
Create admin approved events/announcements
Author: TrustyJAID
Command | Description |
All event related commands. |
;event make [members] [max_slots] <description>
Create an event |
;event show [member]
Show current event being run by a member |
;event edit
Edit various things in events |
;event edit slots [new_slots]
Edit the number of slots available for your event |
;event edit maybeadd [new_members]...
Add members to your events maybe list |
;event edit memberremove [members]...
Remove members from your event (hopefully not against their will) |
;event edit title <new_description>
Edit the title of your event |
;event edit mayberemove [members]...
Remove members from your events maybe list |
;event edit memberadd [new_members]...
Add members to your event (hopefully not against their will) |
;event edit remaining
Show how long until your event will be automatically ended if available. |
;event ping [include_maybe=True] [message]
Ping all the registered users for your event including optional message |
;event set
Manage server specific settings for events |
;event set settings
Show the current event settings. |
;event set cleanup [time]
Set the events cleanup interval. |
;event set channel [channel]
Set the Announcement channel for events |
;event set thread <true_or_false>
Set whether or not to turn the announcement message into a thread |
;event set roles <role>
Set the roles that are allowed to create events |
;event set bypass <true_or_false>
Set whether or not admin approval is required for events to be posted. |
;event set viewlinks
Show custom thumbnails available for events in this server |
;event set viewlargelinks
Show custom images available for events in this server |
;event set links <keyword> <link>
Set the custom thumbnail for events |
;event set removeplayerclass <player_class>
Remove a playerclass choice for users to pick from on this server. |
;event set defaultmax [max_slots]
Set's the servers default maximum slots |
;event set largelinks <keyword> <link>
Set the custom embed image for events |
;event set addplayerclass [emoji] <player_class>
Add a playerclass choice for users to pick from on this server. |
;event set class [player_class]
Set's the users default player class. If nothing is provided this will be rest. |
;event set approvalchannel [channel]
Set the admin approval channel |
;event set ping [everyone=False] [here=False] [roles...]
Set the ping to use when an event is announced |
;event set remove <hoster>
Remove and end a current event. |
;event set listplayerclass
List the playerclass choices in this server. |
;event clear [clear=False]
Delete a stored event so you can create more |
;event leave <hoster>
Leave an event being hosted |
;event join <hoster>
Join an event being hosted |
Extended modlogs Works with core modlogset channel
Author: RePulsR and TrustyJAID
Command | Description |
Toggle various extended modlog notifications |
;modlog unignore <channel>
Unignore a channel from message delete/edit events and bot commands. |
;modlog bot
Bot filter settings. |
;modlog bot edits
Toggle message edit notifications for bot users. |
;modlog bot voice
Toggle bots from being logged in voice state updates. |
;modlog bot change
Toggle bots from being logged in user updates. |
;modlog bot deletes
Toggle message delete notifications for bot users. |
;modlog resetchannel [events...]
Reset the modlog event to the default modlog channel. |
;modlog embeds <true_or_false> [events...]
Set modlog events to use embeds or text |
;modlog member
Toggle individual member update settings. |
;modlog member pending
Toggle pending updates for members. |
;modlog member timeout
Toggle timeout updates for members. |
;modlog member settings
Show the current settings on member updates. |
;modlog member flags
Toggle flags updates for members. |
;modlog member all <set_to>
Set all member update settings. |
;modlog member avatar
Toggle avatar updates for member changes. |
;modlog member nickname
Toggle nickname updates for member changes. |
;modlog member roles
Toggle role updates for members. |
;modlog channel <channel> [events...]
Set the channel for modlogs. |
;modlog all <true_or_false>
Turn all logging options on or off. |
;modlog commandlevel [level...]
Set the level of commands to be logged. |
;modlog delete
Delete logging settings. |
;modlog delete cachedonly
Toggle message delete notifications for non-cached messages. |
;modlog delete bulkdelete
Toggle bulk message delete notifications. |
;modlog delete ignorecommands
Toggle message delete notifications for valid bot command messages. |
;modlog delete individual
Toggle individual message delete notifications for bulk message delete. |
;modlog ignore <channel>
Ignore a channel from message delete/edit events and bot commands. |
;modlog toggle <true_or_false> [events...]
Turn on and off specific modlog actions |
;modlog settings
Show the servers current ExtendedModlog settings |
;modlog emojiset <emoji> [events...]
Set the emoji used in text modlogs. |
;modlog colour <colour> [events...]
Set custom colours for modlog events |
Various unreasonable commands inspired by Fenrir
Author: TrustyJAID
Command | Description |
We're Moving on. |
;fenrir block [members...]
Replaces all commands for specific members with insults |
;fenrir kick
Create a reaction emoji to kick users |
;fenrir feedback
Create a reaction emoji to insult users |
;fenrir lockdown
Replace all commands in the server with insults |
;fenrir set [role]
Sets the mute role for fenrirmute to work |
;fenrir mute
Create a reaction emoji to mute users |
;fenrir ban
Create a reaction emoji to ban users |
This cog is designed for "filtering" unwanted words and phrases from a server. It provides tools to manage a list of words or sentences, and to customize automatic actions to be taken against users who use those words in channels or in their name/nickname. This can be used to prevent inappropriate language, off-topic discussions, invite links, and more.
Author: Cog Creators
Command | Description |
Base command to manage filter settings. |
;filterset ban <count> <timeframe>
Set the filter's autoban conditions. |
;filterset defaultname <name>
Set the nickname for users with a filtered name. |
Base command to add or remove words from the server filter. |
;filter delete <words...>
Remove words from the filter. |
;filter list
Send a list of this server's filtered words. |
;filter add <words...>
Add words to the filter. |
;filter channel
Base command to add or remove words from the channel filter. |
;filter channel delete <channel> <words...>
Remove words from the filter. |
;filter channel clear
Clears this channel's filter list. |
;filter channel add <channel> <words...>
Add words to the filter. |
;filter channel list
Send a list of the channel's filtered words. |
;filter clear
Clears this server's filter list. |
;filter names
Toggle name and nickname filtering. |
Author: Unknown
Repo: Unknown
Command | Description |
;fish fish
Go fishing. |
;fish sell <_type>
Sell a type of fishes. |
;fish view
View your collection of fishes. |
;fish leaderboard [global_users=False]
Fish Leaderboard |
;fish chest <type>
Unlock one of your packages |
;fish info
View your current fishing loadout. |
;fish weather
Shows the weather forecast for the next few days |
;fish rods
View your collection of rods. |
;fish select <rod>
Select your current rod. |
Buy and sell your fishing needs. |
;fishshop buy [item]
Buy your fishing needs. |
A Cog for displaying Unix-like Fortunes
Author: Unknown
Repo: Unknown (Removed from Downloader)
Command | Description |
Get a random fortune message. |
Forward messages sent to the bot to the bot owner or in a specified channel.
Author: flare(flare#0001) and Aikaterna
Command | Description |
;pm <user> <message>
PMs a person. |
Module for fun/meme commands. RedBot V3 conversion of Appu's Fun cog.
Author: Appu and TrustyJAID
Command | Description |
;vowelreplace <replace> <msg>
Replaces all vowels in a word with a letter. |
;textflip <msg>
Flip given text. |
;regional <msg>
Replace letters with regional indicator emojis. |
;space <msg>
Add n spaces between each letter. Ex: `[p]space 2 thicc`. |
;oof [message]
React 🅾🇴🇫 to a message. |
;react [message] <msg>
Add letter(s) as reaction to previous message. |
General commands.
Author: Cog Creators
Command | Description |
;choose <first> <second> [others...]
Choose between multiple options. |
;roll [number=100]
Roll a random number. |
;flip [user]
Flip a coin... or a user. |
;rps <your_choice>
Play Rock Paper Scissors. |
;8 <question>
Ask 8 ball a question. |
Start or stop the stopwatch. |
;lmgtfy <search_terms>
Create a lmgtfy link. |
;serverinfo [details=False]
Show server information. |
;urban <word>
Search the Urban Dictionary. |
Gather information and post goal updates for NHL hockey teams
Author: TrustyJAID
Command | Description |
Get information from |
;hockey notifications
Settings related to role notifications |
;hockey notifications defaultstart <team> [roles...]
Set the default role(s) to be notified when a game starts. |
;hockey notifications shootout <on_off>
Set the servers Shootout notification style. Options are: |
;hockey notifications info
Show Notification Settings for the server. |
;hockey notifications period <channel> <team> [roles...]
Set the default role(s) to be notified when all periods start. |
;hockey notifications defaultgoal <team> [roles...]
Set the default role(s) to be notified when a goal occurs. |
;hockey notifications goal <channel> <team> [roles...]
Set the role(s) to be notified when a goal is scored. |
;hockey notifications overtime <on_off>
Set the servers Regular Season OT notification style. Options are: |
;hockey notifications start <channel> <team> [roles...]
Set the default role(s) to be notified when a game starts. |
;hockey notifications defaultperiod <team> [roles...]
Set the default role(s) to be notified for all period starts. |
;hockey heatmap ["all"|"ev"|"5v5"|"sva"|"home5v4"|"away5v4"=all] [date] [team]
Display game heatmaps. |
;hockey gdt
Game Day Thread setup for the server |
;hockey gdt countdown
Toggle 60, 30, and 10 minute countdown updates in game day threads |
;hockey gdt delete
Delete all current game day threads for the server |
;hockey gdt create
Creates the next gdt for the server |
;hockey gdt toggle
Toggles the game day channel creation on this server |
;hockey gdt role [team_name=False] [role]
Set the role that will be pinged when a new thread is created automatically |
;hockey gdt setup <team> [channel=<this channel>]
Setup game day channels for a single team or all teams |
;hockey gdt updates <update_start>
Set whether or not the starting thread message will update as the game progresses. |
;hockey gdt settings
Show the current Game Day Thread Settings |
;hockey gdt defaultstate <state>
Set the default game state updates for Game Day Channels. |
;hockey gameflow ["all"|"ev"|"5v5"|"sva"=all] [corsi=True] [date] [team]
Display games gameflow. |
;hockey standings [search]
Displays current standings |
;hockey pickems
Commands for managing pickems |
;hockey pickems page [date]
Generates a pickems page for voting on |
;hockey pickems message [message]
Customize the pickems message for this server |
;hockey pickems remove <true_or_false>
Clears the servers current pickems object list |
;hockey pickems setup [channel=<this channel>]
Sets up automatically created pickems threads every week. |
;hockey pickems settings
Show the servers current pickems settings |
;hockey pickems clear
Stop posting new pickems threads and clear existing list of pickems threads. |
;hockey player [season] [include_headshot] <player>
Lookup information about a specific player |
;hockey schedule [date] [team]
Gets upcoming NHL games for the current season as a list. |
;hockey roster [season] <team>
Get a teams roster |
;hockey set
Setup Hockey commands for the server |
;hockey set poststandings <standings_type> [channel=<this channel>]
Posts automatic standings when all games for the day are done |
;hockey set togglestandings
Toggles automatic standings updates |
;hockey set add <team> [channel=<this channel>]
Adds a hockey team goal updates to a channel do 'all' for all teams |
;hockey set countdown <channel>
Toggle 60, 30, and 10 minute countdown updates for games in a specified channel |
;hockey set stateupdates <channel> <state>
Toggle specific updates from a designated channel |
;hockey set remove [team] [channel=<this channel>]
Removes a teams goal updates from a channel |
;hockey set settings
Show hockey settings for this server |
;hockey gdc
Game Day Channel setup for the server |
;hockey gdc countdown
Toggle 60, 30, and 10 minute countdown updates in game day channels |
;hockey gdc autodelete
Toggle's auto deletion of game day channels. |
;hockey gdc delete
Delete all current game day channels for the server |
;hockey gdc toggle
Toggles the game day channel creation on this server |
;hockey gdc settings
Show the current Game Day Channel Settings |
;hockey gdc create
Creates the next gdc for the server |
;hockey gdc category <category>
Change the category for channel creation. Channel is case sensitive. |
;hockey gdc setup <team> [category] [delete_gdc=True]
Setup game day channels for a single team or all teams |
;hockey gdc defaultstate <state>
Set the default game state updates for Game Day Channels. |
;hockey games [date] [team]
Display information about games. |
;hockey otherdiscords <team>
Get team specific discord links |
;hockey playoffs [season]
Gets Playoff brackets for a givent season. |
;hockey version
Display the current version |
;hockey leaderboard [public=True] [leaderboard_type]
Shows the current server leaderboard |
;hockey stats [category] [season] [limit=10]
Display Leader categories |
;hockey playbyplay [date] [type_code] [team]
Gets all play-by-play information for any game. |
;hockey recap [date] [team]
Gets NHL games and their game recap links |
;hockey pickemsvotes [public=False]
View your current pickems votes for the server. |
Settings for awarding credits on correct pickems votes |
;pickemscredits base [amount]
Set the base awarded credits for correct pickems votes. |
;pickemscredits top [amount]
Set the amount of credits awarded for the top x winners of pickems. |
;pickemscredits amount [amount]
Set the number of top winners to receive the top weekly award credits. |
Settings for clearing/resetting pickems leaderboards |
;pickemsleaderboard clearweeklypreseason <true_or_false>
Clears the weekly tracker on the current servers pickems |
;pickemsleaderboard clearplayoffs <true_or_false>
Clears the weekly tracker on the current servers pickems |
;pickemsleaderboard setuser <user> <season> [weekly=0] [total=0]
Allows moderators to set a users points on the leaderboard |
;pickemsleaderboard clearweeklyplayoffs <true_or_false>
Clears the weekly tracker on the current servers pickems |
;pickemsleaderboard clearseason <true_or_false>
Clears the weekly tracker on the current servers pickems |
;pickemsleaderboard clear <true_or_false>
Clears the entire pickems leaderboard in the server. |
;pickemsleaderboard clearweekly <true_or_false>
Clears the weekly tracker on the current servers pickems |
;pickemsleaderboard clearpresesason <true_or_false>
Clears the pre-season tracker on the current servers pickems |
;pickemsleaderboard tally <true_or_false>
Manually tallies this servers pickems leaderboard incase votes |
Commands for setting up discord guild events |
;hockeyevents set <team>
Create a scheduled server event for all games in the season for one team. |
;hockeyhub <search>
Search for hockey related items on |
Even more secret hockey dev commands
Author: Unknown
Repo: Unknown
Command | Description |
Helper commands for the hockey servers |
;hockeyhelper optin <guild_id>
Opt in to ban notifications in Hockey Mod Squad |
;hockeyhelper stats
Gather and display nice stats about the hockey servers |
;hockeyhelper whois <user_id>
Display servers a user shares with the bot |
;hockeyhelper setmodrole <role>
Assign other team mod roles automatically |
;hockeyhelper assignmodrole
Assign other team mod roles to all members in the server who are also in mod squad |
;hockeyhelper checkbans <user>
Check bans with reasons in all the team servers |
Image related commands.
Author: Cog Creators
Command | Description |
Retrieve pictures from Imgur. |
;imgur search [count] <terms...>
Search Imgur for the specified term. |
;imgur subreddit <subreddit> [count=1] [sort_type=top] [window=day]
Get images from a subreddit. |
;gif <keywords...>
Retrieve the first search result from Giphy. |
;gifr <keywords...>
Retrieve a random GIF from a Giphy search. |
Create various fun images
Author: TrustyJAID, Ivan Seidel (, Bruno Lemos (, and João Pedro (
Command | Description |
;wheeze [text]
Generate a wheeze image with text or a user avatar. |
;facemerge <urls>
Generate a gif of two images fading into eachother. |
;scrollbanner [colour=#ff0000] <text>
Generate a scrolling text gif banner. |
;obama <text>
Synthesize video clips of Obama. |
;gwheeze [member]
Generate a gif wheeze image if user has a gif avatar. |
;beautiful [user] [is_gif=False]
Generate a beautiful image using users avatar. |
;feels [user] [is_gif=False]
Generate a feels image using users avatar and role colour. |
;trump <message>
Generate isnowillegal gif image. |
;pill [colour=#ff0000]
Generate a pill image to any colour with hex codes. |
Generate memes from API
Author: Twentysix and TrustyJAID
Command | Description |
List memes with names that can be used |
;meme <meme> <text>
Create custom memes from imgflip |
Airenkun's Insult Cog
Author: Airen, JennJenn, and TrustyJAID
Command | Description |
;insult [user]
Insult the user |
Author: TrustyJAID
Command | Description |
Settings for managing invite link blocking |
;inviteblock allowlist
Commands for setting the blocklist |
;inviteblock allowlist remove [invite_or_guild_id...]
Add a guild ID to the allowlist, providing an invite link will also work |
;inviteblock allowlist add [invite_or_guild_id...]
Add a guild ID to the allowlist, providing an invite link will also work |
;inviteblock allowlist info
Show what guild ID's are in the invite link allowlist |
;inviteblock blockall <set_to>
Automatically remove all invites regardless of their destination |
;inviteblock blocklist
Commands for setting the blocklist |
;inviteblock blocklist info
Show what guild ID's are in the invite link blocklist |
;inviteblock blocklist remove [thing_to_block...]
Add a guild ID to the blocklist, providing an invite link will also work |
;inviteblock blocklist add [invite_or_guild_id...]
Add a guild ID to the blocklist, providing an invite link will also work |
;inviteblock immunity
Commands for fine tuning allowed channels, users, or roles |
;inviteblock immunity remove [channel_user_role...]
Add a guild ID to the allowlist, providing an invite link will also work |
;inviteblock immunity info
Show what channels, users, and roles are in the invite link allowlist |
;inviteblock immunity add [channel_user_role...]
Add a guild ID to the allowlist, providing an invite link will also work |
A level up thing with image generation!
Author: Fixator10, Stevy, flaree, and aikaterna
Command | Description |
;rep [user]
Gives a reputation point to a designated player. |
;backgrounds [profile|rank|levelup]
Gives a list of backgrounds. |
Profile configuration Options. |
;lvlset rank
Rank options. |
;lvlset rank bg <image_name>
Set your rank background. |
;lvlset rank color <section> <color>
Set rank color. |
;lvlset levelup
Level-Up options. |
;lvlset levelup color <section> <color>
Set levelup color. |
;lvlset levelup bg <image_name>
Set your level-up background. |
;lvlset badge
Badge Configuration Options. |
;lvlset badge available [global_badges=False]
Get a list of available badges. |
;lvlset badge buy [is_global] <name>
Buy a badge. |
;lvlset badge list [user]
Get all badges of a user. |
;lvlset badge set <name> <priority_num>
Set a badge to profile. |
;lvlset profile
Profile options. |
;lvlset profile info <info>
Set your user info. |
;lvlset profile color <section> <color>
Set profile color. |
;lvlset profile title [title]
Set your title. |
;lvlset profile bg <image_name>
Set your profile background. |
Admin options features. |
;lvladmin alerts
Toggle level-up messages on the server. |
;lvladmin private
Toggles level-up alert in private message to the user. |
;lvladmin lock
Locks levelup messages to one channel. |
;lvladmin msgcredits [currency=0]
Credits per message logged. |
;lvladmin ignorechannel [channel]
Blocks exp gain in certain channel. |
;lvladmin resetranks
Reset everyone's xp and level to zero. |
;lvladmin fixroles
Automatically fix roles for users on every exp gain. |
;lvladmin role
Admin role configuration. |
;lvladmin role unlink <role>
Delete a role/level association. |
;lvladmin role listlinks
List level/role associations. |
;lvladmin role link <add_role> <level> [remove_role]
Associate a role with a level. |
;lvladmin textonly
Toggle text-based messages on the server. |
;lvladmin badge
Badge Configuration Options. |
;lvladmin badge link <badge_name> <level>
Associate a badge with a level. |
;lvladmin badge take <user> <name>
Take a user's badge. |
;lvladmin badge give <user> [is_global] <name>
Give a user a badge by its name. |
;lvladmin badge add <name> [is_global] <bg_img> <border_color> <price> <description>
Add a badge. |
;lvladmin badge delete [is_global=False] <name>
Delete a badge and remove from all users. |
;lvladmin badge listlinks
List level/badge associations. |
;lvladmin badge unlink <badge_name>
Delete a badge/level association. |
;lvladmin overview
A list of settings. |
;top [page] [--global] [--rep] [--server SERVER]
Displays leaderboard. |
;profile [user]
Displays a user profile. |
;rank [user]
Displays the rank of a user. |
;lvlinfo [user]
Gives more specific details about user profile image. |
Allow live loading of Dev commands from Core
Author: TrustyJAID
Command | Description |
;url <url>
Parse and make a URL human readable. |
Ping the bot to see its prefixes.
Author: Draper and TrustyJAID
Command | Description |
Toggle whether mentioning the bot will send a help message. |
mock a user as spongebob
Author: TrustyJAID
Command | Description |
;mock [msg]
Mock a user with the spongebob meme |
Moderation tools.
Author: Cog Creators
Command | Description |
;slowmode [interval=0:00:00]
Changes thread's or text channel's slowmode setting. |
;rename <member> [nickname]
Change a member's server nickname. |
;userinfo [member]
Show information about a member. |
;names <member>
Show previous usernames, global display names, and server nicknames of a member. |
;kick <member> [reason]
Kick a user. |
;ban <user> [days] [reason]
Ban a user from this server and optionally delete days of messages. |
;massban <user_ids...> [days] [reason]
Mass bans user(s) from the server. |
;tempban <member> [duration] [days] [reason]
Temporarily ban a user from this server. |
;softban <member> [reason]
Kick a user and delete 1 day's worth of their messages. |
;voicekick <member> [reason]
Kick a member from a voice channel. |
;voiceunban <member> [reason]
Unban a user from speaking and listening in the server's voice channels. |
;voiceban <member> [reason]
Ban a user from speaking and listening in the server's voice channels. |
;unban <user_id> [reason]
Unban a user from this server. |
Manage server administration settings. |
;modset defaultdays [days=0]
Set the default number of days worth of messages to be deleted when a user is banned. |
;modset dm [enabled]
Toggle whether a message should be sent to a user when they are kicked/banned. |
;modset showsettings
Show the current server administration settings. |
;modset hierarchy
Toggle role hierarchy check for mods and admins. |
;modset defaultduration <duration>
Set the default time to be used when a user is tempbanned. |
;modset deleterepeats [repeats]
Enable auto-deletion of repeated messages. |
;modset tracknicknames [enabled]
Toggle whether server nickname changes should be tracked. |
;modset mentionspam
Manage the automoderation settings for mentionspam. |
;modset mentionspam kick <max_mentions>
Sets the autokick conditions for mention spam. |
;modset mentionspam strict [enabled]
Setting to account for duplicate mentions. |
;modset mentionspam ban <max_mentions>
Set the autoban conditions for mention spam. |
;modset mentionspam warn <max_mentions>
Sets the autowarn conditions for mention spam. |
;modset reinvite
Toggle whether an invite will be sent to a user when unbanned. |
Browse and manage modlog cases. To manage modlog settings, use `[p]modlogset`.
Author: Cog Creators
Command | Description |
;case <number>
Show the specified case. |
;casesfor <member>
Display cases for the specified member. |
;listcases <member>
List cases for the specified member. |
;reason [case] <reason>
Specify a reason for a modlog case. |
Mute users temporarily or indefinitely.
Author: Cog Creators
Command | Description |
;voicemute <users...> [reason]
Mute a user in their current voice channel. |
;voiceunmute <users...> [reason]
Unmute a user in their current voice channel. |
Mute settings. |
;muteset senddm <true_or_false>
Set whether mute notifications should be sent to users in DMs. |
;muteset notification [channel]
Set the notification channel for automatic unmute issues. |
;muteset role [role]
Sets the role to be applied when muting a user. |
;muteset settings
Shows the current mute settings for this guild. |
;muteset showmoderator <true_or_false>
Decide whether the name of the moderator muting a user should be included in the DM to that user. |
;muteset makerole <name>
Create a Muted role. |
;muteset defaulttime [time]
Set the default mute time for the mute command. |
Displays active mutes on this server. |
;timeout <users...> [time_and_reason]
Timeout users. |
;mute <users...> [time_and_reason]
Mute users. |
;mutechannel <users...> [time_and_reason]
Mute a user in the current text channel (or in the parent of the current thread). |
;unmute <users...> [reason]
Unmute users. |
;unmutechannel <users...> [reason]
Unmute a user in this channel (or in the parent of this thread). |
Rewrite of many NotSoBot commands to work on RedBot V3
Author: NotSoSuper and TrustyJAID
Command | Description |
;magik [urls] [scale=2] [scale_msg]
Apply magik to an image. |
;gmagik [urls] [frame_delay=1]
Attempt to do magik on a gif |
;caption [urls] [text=Caption] [color=white] [size=40] [x=0] [y=0]
Add caption to an image |
;triggered [urls]
Generate a Triggered GIF for a user or image |
;aesthetics <text>
Returns inputed text in aesthetics |
;ascii <text>
Convert text into ASCII |
;iascii [urls]
Generate an ascii art image of last image in chat or from URL |
;gascii [urls]
Gif to ASCII |
;rip [name] [text]
Generate tombstone image with name and optional text |
;merge [vertical=True] [urls]
Merge/Combine Two Photos |
;emojify <txt>
Replace characters in text with emojis |
;jpeg [urls] [quality=1]
Add more JPEG to an Image |
;vw [urls] [txt]
Add vaporwave flavours to an image |
;minecraftachievement <txt>
Generate a Minecraft Achievement |
;watermark [urls] [mark] [x=0] [y=0] [transparency=0]
Add a watermark to an image |
;glitch [urls] [iterations] [amount] [seed]
Glitch a gif or png |
;pixelate [urls] [pixels=9]
Pixelate an image |
;waaw [urls]
Mirror an image vertically right to left |
;haah [urls]
Mirror an image vertically left to right |
;woow [urls]
Mirror an image horizontally top to bottom |
;hooh [urls]
Mirror an image horizontally bottom to top |
;flipimg [urls]
Rotate an image 180 degrees |
;flop [urls]
Flip an image horizontally |
;invert [urls]
Invert the colours of an image |
;rotate [degrees=90] [urls]
Rotate image X degrees |
Penis related commands.
Author: Twentysix and DesignByAdrian (ThinkAdrian#1186)
Command | Description |
;penis [users...]
Detects user's penis length |
Customise permissions for commands and cogs.
Author: Cog Creators
Command | Description |
Command permission management tools. |
;permissions explain
Explain how permissions works. |
;permissions removeserverrule <cog_or_command> <who_or_what...>
Remove a server rule from a command. |
;permissions canrun <user> <command>
Check if a user can run a command. |
;permissions setdefaultserverrule <allow_or_deny> <cog_or_command>
Set the default rule for a command in this server. |
;permissions clearserverrules
Reset all rules in this server. |
;permissions addserverrule <allow_or_deny> <cog_or_command> <who_or_what...>
Add a rule to a command in this server. |
;permissions acl
Manage permissions with YAML files. |
;permissions acl getserver
Get a YAML file detailing all rules in this server. |
;permissions acl setserver
Set rules for this server with a YAML file. |
;permissions acl updateserver
Update rules for this server with a YAML file. |
;permissions acl yamlexample
Sends an example of the yaml layout for permissions |
Make images from avatars!
Author: PhenoM4n4n
Command | Description |
;neko [member]
Make a neko avatar... |
;bonk [member]
Bonk! Go to horny jail. |
;simp [member]
You are now a simp. |
;banner [member]
Banner |
;nickel [member] <text>
If I had a nickel for everytime someone ran this command.. |
;stoptalking [member] <text>
Tell someone to stop blabbering away |
;horny [member]
Assign someone a horny license. |
;shutup [member] <text>
Will you shutup, man |
;petpet [member]
petpet someone |
Pokecord adapted to use on Red.
Author: flare(flare#0001)
Command | Description |
Pokecord commands |
;poke locale <locale>
Set the Pokecord locale to use for yourself. |
;poke trade <user> <pokemon ID>
Pokecord Trading |
;poke release <id>
Release a pokémon. |
;poke silence type
Toggle pokecord levelling messages on or off. |
;poke set
Manage pokecord settings |
;poke set whitelist <channel>
Whitelist channels that will contribute to pokémon spawning. |
;poke set channel <channel>
Set the channel(s) that pokemon are to spawn in. |
;poke set blacklist <channel>
Blacklist channels from contributing to pokémon spawning. |
;poke set toggle type
Toggle pokecord on or off. |
;poke set settings
Overview of pokécord settings. |
;poke set levelup type
Toggle levelup messages on or off. |
;poke nick <id> <nickname>
Set a pokémons nickname. |
;list [user]
List a trainers or your own pokémon! |
;select id_or_latest
Select your default pokémon. |
Check your caught pokémon! |
;psearch <args>
Search your pokemon. |
Show your current selected pokemon |
;starter [pokemon]
Choose your starter pokémon! |
Get a hint on the pokémon! |
;catch <pokemon>
Catch a pokemon! |
RSS feeds for your server.
Author: aikaterna
Command | Description |
RSS feed stuff. |
;rss add <feed_name> [channel] <url>
Add an RSS feed to a channel. |
;rss tag
RSS post tag qualification. |
;rss tag allow <feed_name> [channel] [tag]
Set an allowed tag for a feed to be posted. The tag must match exactly (without regard to title casing). |
;rss tag remove <feed_name> [channel] [tag]
Remove a tag from the allow list. The tag must match exactly (without regard to title casing). |
;rss tag allowlist <feed_name> [channel]
List allowed tags for feed post qualification. |
;rss remove <feed_name> [channel]
Removes a feed from a channel. |
;rss find <website_url>
Attempts to find RSS feeds from a URL/website. |
;rss force <feed_name> [channel]
Forces a feed alert. |
;rss listtags <feed_name> [channel]
List the tags available from a specific feed. |
;rss viewtags <feed_name> [channel]
View a preview of template tag content available from a specific feed. |
;rss limit <feed_name> [channel] [character_limit]
Set a character limit for feed posts. Use 0 for unlimited. |
;rss list [channel]
List saved feeds for this channel or a specific channel. |
;rss listall
List all saved feeds for this server. |
;rss template <feed_name> [channel] [template]
Set a template for the feed alert. |
;rss showtemplate <feed_name> [channel]
Show the template in use for a specific feed. |
;rss embed
Embed feed settings. |
;rss embed color <feed_name> [channel] [color]
Set an embed color for a feed. |
;rss embed thumbnail <feed_name> [channel] [thumbnail_tag_name]
Set a tag to be a thumbnail image. |
;rss embed image <feed_name> [channel] [image_tag_name]
Set a tag to be a large embed image. |
;rss embed toggle <feed_name> [channel]
Toggle whether a feed is sent in an embed or not. |
Trigger bot events using regular expressions
Author: TrustyJAID
Command | Description |
Setup automatic triggers based on regular expressions |
;retrigger remove <trigger>
Remove a specified trigger |
;retrigger multi <name> <regex> <multi>
Add a multiple response trigger |
;retrigger explain [page_num=1]
Explain how to use retrigger |
;retrigger modlog
Set which events to record in the modlog. |
;retrigger modlog removeroles
Toggle custom add role messages in the modlog |
;retrigger modlog bans
Toggle custom ban messages in the modlog |
;retrigger modlog kicks
Toggle custom kick messages in the modlog |
;retrigger modlog addroles
Toggle custom add role messages in the modlog |
;retrigger modlog settings
Show the current modlog settings for this server. |
;retrigger modlog channel [channel]
Set the modlog channel for filtered words |
;retrigger modlog filter
Toggle custom filter messages in the modlog |
;retrigger ban <name> <regex>
Add a trigger to ban users for saying specific things found with regex |
;retrigger rename <name> <regex> <text>
Add trigger to rename users |
;retrigger command <name> <regex> <command>
Add a command trigger |
;retrigger blocklist
Set blocklist options for retrigger |
;retrigger blocklist remove <triggers> [channel_user_role...]
Remove a channel, user, or role from triggers blocklist |
;retrigger blocklist add <triggers> [channel_user_role...]
Add a channel, user, or role to triggers blocklist |
;retrigger kick <name> <regex>
Add a trigger to kick users for saying specific things found with regex |
;retrigger image <name> <regex> [image_url]
Add an image/file response trigger |
;retrigger allowlist
Set allowlist options for retrigger |
;retrigger allowlist remove <triggers> [channel_user_role...]
Remove a channel, user, or role from triggers allowlist |
;retrigger allowlist add <triggers> [channel_user_role...]
Add a channel, user, or role to triggers allowlist |
;retrigger dmme <name> <regex> <text>
Add trigger to DM yourself |
;retrigger resize <name> <regex> [image_url]
Add an image to resize in response to a trigger |
;retrigger removerole <name> <regex> [roles]...
Add a trigger to remove a role |
;retrigger random <name> <regex>
Add a random text response trigger |
;retrigger react <name> <regex> [emojis]...
Add a reaction trigger |
;retrigger filter <name> [check_filenames=False] <regex>
Add a trigger to delete a message |
;retrigger list [trigger]
List information about triggers. |
;retrigger addrole <name> <regex> [roles]...
Add a trigger to add a role |
;retrigger randomimage <name> <regex>
Add a random image/file response trigger |
;retrigger dm <name> <regex> <text>
Add a dm response trigger |
;retrigger text <name> <regex> [delete_after] <text>
Add a text response trigger |
;retrigger imagetext <name> <regex> <text> [image_url]
Add an image/file response with text trigger |
;retrigger publish <name> <regex>
Add a trigger to automatically publish content in news channels. |
;retrigger edit
Edit various settings in a set trigger. |
;retrigger edit includethreads <trigger>
Toggle whether the allowlist/blocklist will include threads within the channel. |
;retrigger edit tts <trigger> [set_to=False]
Set whether or not to send the message with text-to-speech |
;retrigger edit ignorecommands <trigger>
Toggle the trigger ignoring command messages entirely. |
;retrigger edit ocr <trigger>
Toggle whether to use Optical Character Recognition to search for text within images. |
;retrigger edit nsfw <trigger>
Toggle whether a trigger is considered NSFW. |
;retrigger edit mention <style> <trigger> [set_to=False]
Set whether or not to send this trigger will allow role mentions |
;retrigger edit readembeds <trigger>
Toggle whether a trigger will check embeds. |
;retrigger edit readfilenames <trigger>
Toggle whether to search message attachment filenames. |
;retrigger edit edited <trigger>
Toggle whether the bot will listen to edited messages as well as on_message for |
;retrigger edit command <trigger> <command>
Edit the text of a saved trigger. |
;retrigger edit suppress <trigger>
Toggle whether a trigger will suppress original message embeds. |
;retrigger edit reply <trigger> [set_to]
Set whether or not to reply to the triggered message |
;retrigger edit text <trigger> <text>
Edit the text of a saved trigger. |
;retrigger edit role <trigger> [roles...]
Edit the added or removed roles of a saved trigger. |
;retrigger edit cooldown <trigger> [time=0] [style=guild]
Set cooldown options for retrigger |
;retrigger edit disable <trigger>
Disable a trigger |
;retrigger edit react <trigger> [emojis...]
Edit the emoji reactions of a saved trigger. |
;retrigger edit regex <trigger> <regex>
Edit the regex of a saved trigger. |
;retrigger edit thread <trigger> [public_or_private] [thread_name]
Set whether or not this trigger will attempt to create a private thread on the triggered |
;retrigger edit chance <trigger> [chance=0]
Edit the chance a trigger will execute. |
;retrigger edit enable <trigger>
Enable a trigger |
;retrigger edit readthreads <trigger>
Toggle whether a filter trigger will check thread titles. |
;retrigger edit deleteafter <trigger> [delete_after]
Edit the delete_after parameter of a saved text trigger. |
Commands for Reaction Polls
Author: FlapJack, aikaterna, and TrustyJAID
Command | Description |
Settings for reaction polls |
;rpollset embed
Toggle embed usage for polls in this server |
Commands for setting up reaction polls |
;rpoll interactive <channel>
Interactive reaction poll creator |
;rpoll new [channel] <poll_options>
Start a reaction poll |
;rpoll end <poll_id>
Manually end a poll |
Create user reports that server staff can respond to. Users can open reports using `[p]report`. These are then sent to a channel in the server for staff, and the report creator gets a DM. Both can be used to communicate.
Author: Cog Creators
Command | Description |
Manage Reports. |
;reportset output <channel>
Set the channel where reports will be sent. |
;reportset toggle
Enable or disable reporting for this server. |
;report [text]
Send a report. |
;report interact <ticket_number>
Open a message tunnel. |
Role related tools for moderation
Author: TrustyJAID
Command | Description |
Commands for creating custom role settings |
;roletools atomic [true_or_false]
Set the atomicity of role assignment. |
;roletools selfadd [true_or_false] <role>
Set whether or not a user can apply the role to themselves. |
;roletools forcerole [users]... <role>
Force a sticky role on one or more users. |
;roletools selfrole <role>
Add or remove a defined selfrole |
;roletools cost [cost] <role>
Set the cost to acquire a role. |
;roletools selfrem [true_or_false] <role>
Set whether or not a user can remove the role from themselves. |
;roletools select
Setup role select menus |
;roletools select view
View current select menus setup for role assign in this server. |
;roletools select create <name> [options...] [extras]
Create a select menu |
;roletools select viewoptions
View current select menus setup for role assign in this server. |
;roletools select createoption <name> <role> [extras]
Create a select menu option |
;roletools select deleteoption <name>
Delete a saved option. |
;roletools select delete <name>
Delete a saved select menu. |
;roletools select cleanup
Check each select menu that has registered a message still exists and remove buttons with |
;roletools exclude
Set role exclusions |
;roletools exclude remove <role> [exclude]...
Remove role exclusion |
;roletools exclude add <role> [exclude]...
Add role exclusion (This will remove if the designated role is acquired |
;roletools exclude mutual [roles...]
Allow setting roles mutually exclusive to eachother |
;roletools autorole [true_or_false] <role>
Set a role to be automatically applied when a user joins the server. |
;roletools reaction
Reaction role settings |
;roletools reaction clearreact <message> [emojis...]
Clear the reactions for reaction roles. This will remove |
;roletools reaction create <message> <emoji> <role>
Create a reaction role |
;roletools reaction reactroles
View current bound roles in the server |
;roletools reaction remove <message> <role_or_emoji>
Remove a reaction role |
;roletools reaction bulk <message> [role_emoji...]
Create multiple roles reactions for a single message |
;roletools reaction cleanup
Cleanup old/missing reaction roles and settings. |
;roletools include
Set role inclusion |
;roletools include remove <role> [include]...
Remove role inclusion |
;roletools include add <role> [include]...
Add role inclusion (This will add roles if the designated role is acquired |
;roletools include mutual [roles...]
Allow setting roles mutually inclusive to eachother |
;roletools viewroles [role]
View current roletools setup for each role in the server |
;roletools message
Commands for sending/editing messages for roletools |
;roletools message editselect <message> [menus]...
Edit a bots message to include Role Buttons |
;roletools message send <channel> [buttons]... [menus]... [text]
Send a select menu to a specified channel for role assignment |
;roletools message sendbutton <channel> [buttons]... [text]
Send buttons to a specified channel with optional message. |
;roletools message editbutton <message> [buttons]...
Edit a bots message to include Role Buttons |
;roletools message edit <message> [buttons]... [menus]...
Edit a bots message to include Role Buttons |
;roletools message sendselect <channel> [menus]... [text]
Send a select menu to a specified channel for role assignment |
;roletools sticky [true_or_false] <role>
Set whether or not a role will be re-applied when a user leaves and rejoins the server. |
;roletools required
Set role requirements |
;roletools required remove <role> [required]...
Remove role requirements |
;roletools required any <role> <require_any>
Set the required roles to require any of the roles instead of all of them |
;roletools required add <role> [required]...
Add role requirements |
;roletools buttons
Setup role buttons |
;roletools buttons create <name> <role> [extras]
Create a role button |
;roletools buttons delete <name>
Delete a saved button. |
;roletools buttons view
View current buttons setup for role assign in this server. |
;roletools buttons cleanup
Check each button that has registered a message still exists and remove buttons with |
;roletools removerole <role> [who...]
Removes a role from the designated members. |
;roletools giverole <role> [who...]
Gives a role to designated members. |
;roletools forceroleremove [users]... <role>
Force remove sticky role on one or more users. |
Display Runescape account info
Author: TrustyJAID
Command | Description |
Search for a user account or profile |
;runescape nemiforest
Display an image of a Nemi Forest instance with all nine nodes. |
;runescape set
Set various runescape cog settings |
;runescape set remove <runescape_name> <channel>
Remove a channel from automatic RuneMetrics updates |
;runescape set username [runescape_name]
Set your runescape name for easer commands. |
;runescape set metrics <runescape_name> <channel>
Set a channel for automatic RuneMetrics updates |
;runescape profile [runescape_name] [activity=10]
Display a players profile in Runescape |
;runescape stats [runescape_name]
Display a players stats in Runescape |
;runescape reset
Show Runescapes Daily, Weekly, and Monthly reset times. |
;runescape osrs
Search for OSRS highscores |
;runescape osrs activities [runescape_name]
Display a players Activities in oldschool Runescape Hiscores. |
;runescape osrs wiki <search>
Look for something on the runescape Wiki. |
;runescape osrs stats [runescape_name]
Display a players stats in oldschool Runescape. |
;runescape osrs set [runescape_name]
Set your runescape name for easer commands. |
;runescape osrs ge <search>
Look for something on the runescape Grand Exchange. |
;runescape ge <search>
Look for something on the runescape Grand Exchange. |
;runescape vis
Get the current combinations for vis wax |
;runescape wilderness
Show Runescapes Daily, Weekly, and Monthly reset times. |
;runescape tms [item]
Get the current Travelling Merchant items |
;runescape wiki <search>
Look for something on the runescape Wiki. |
A somewhat sane scheduler cog. This cog has a known issue with timezone transtions
Author: Unknown
Repo: Unknown
Command | Description |
;schedule <eventname> <command> <args>
Schedule something |
;unschedule <info>
Unschedule something. |
;showscheduled [all_channels=False]
Shows your scheduled tasks in this, or all channels. |
;remindme <what to be reminded of> <args>
Schedule a reminder DM from the bot |
Administrative commands for scheduler. |
;scheduleradmin killchannel <channel>
Kill all tasks scheduled in a specified channel. |
;scheduleradmin kill <task_id>
Kill another user's task. (id only) |
;scheduleradmin viewall
View all scheduled events in a guild. |
Gather useful information about servers the bot is in A lot of commands are bot owner only
Author: TrustyJAID and Preda
Command | Description |
;avatar [member]
Display a users avatar in chat |
;emoji <emoji>
Post a large size emojis in chat |
Display stats about the bot |
Modify channel options |
;channeledit topic [channel] <topic>
Edit a channels topic |
;channeledit sync <channel> <toggle>
Set whether or not to sync permissions with the channels Category |
;channeledit userlimit <channel> <limit>
Edit a voice channels user limit |
;channeledit permissions <permission> <channel> [true_or_false] [roles_or_users...]
Edit channel read permissions for designated role |
;channeledit bitrate <channel> <bitrate>
Edit a voice channels bitrate |
;channeledit nsfw <toggle> [channel]
Set whether or not a channel is NSFW |
;channeledit name <channel> <name>
Edit a channels name |
;channeledit position <channel> <position>
Edit a channels position |
Perform various actions on users who haven't spoken in x days |
;pruneroles add <days> [new_roles...]
Give roles to users who haven't spoken in x days |
;pruneroles remove <days> [removed_roles...]
Remove roles from users who haven't spoken in x days. |
;pruneroles list <days> [role]
List the users who have not talked in x days. |
;pruneroles kick <days> [role] [reinvite=True]
Kick users from the server who have been inactive for x days |
;whois <user_id>
Display servers a user shares with the bot |
Edit various guild settings |
;guildedit afkchannel [channel]
Change the servers AFK voice channel |
;guildedit name <name>
Change the server name |
;guildedit afktimeout <timeout>
Change the servers AFK timeout |
;guildedit systemchannel [channel]
Change the system channel |
;guildedit verificationlevel <level>
Modify the guilds verification level |
;topmembers [include_bots] [guild]
Lists top members on the server by join date |
;getguild [guild]
Display info about servers the bot is on |
;getguilds <guilds>
Display info about multiple servers |
;nummembers [guild]
Display number of users on a server |
;getroles [guild]
Displays all roles their ID and number of members in order of |
;getreactions <message>
Gets a list of all reactions from specified message and displays the user ID, |
Gets total messages on the server and displays each channel |
;channelstats [channel]
Gets total messages in a specific channel as well as the user who |
;guildemojis [id_emojis=False] [guild]
Display all server emojis in a menu that can be scrolled through |
Display information from Spotify's API
Author: TrustyJAID and NeuroAssassin
Command | Description |
Spotify commands |
;spotify recent [detailed=False]
Displays your most recently played songs on Spotify |
;spotify playlist
View Spotify Playlists |
;spotify playlist list
List your Spotify Playlists |
;spotify playlist remove <name> <to_remove>
Remove 1 (or more) tracks to a spotify playlist |
;spotify playlist add <name> <to_add>
Add 1 (or more) tracks to a spotify playlist |
;spotify playlist follow [public=False] <to_follow>
Add a playlist to your spotify library |
;spotify playlist view
View details about your spotify playlists |
;spotify playlist featured
List your Spotify featured Playlists |
;spotify playlist create <name> [public=False] [description]
Create a Spotify Playlist |
;spotify shuffle [state]
Shuffles your current song list |
;spotify volume <volume>
Set your spotify volume percentage |
;spotify set
Setup Spotify cog |
;spotify set clearreactions <clear_after>
Set whether or not to clear reactions after sending the message |
;spotify set showsettings
Show settings for menu timeouts |
;spotify set showprivate <show_private>
Set whether or not to show private playlists |
;spotify set menutimeout <timeout>
Set the timeout time for spotify menus |
;spotify set deletemessage <delete_after>
Set whether or not to delete the spotify message after timing out |
;spotify set forgetme
Forget all your spotify settings and credentials on the bot |
;spotify now [detailed=False] [member] [public=True]
Displays your currently played spotify song |
;spotify artist
View Spotify Artist info |
;spotify artist follow <to_follow>
Add an artist to your spotify library |
;spotify artist albums <to_follow>
View an artists albums |
;spotify topartists
List your top artists on spotify |
;spotify recommendations [detailed=False] <recommendations>
Get Spotify Recommendations |
;spotify new
List new releases on Spotify |
;spotify play [url_or_playlist_name]
Play a track, playlist, or album on Spotify |
;spotify device
Spotify device commands |
;spotify device list
List all available devices for Spotify |
;spotify device default [device_name]
Set your default device to attempt to start playing new tracks on |
;spotify device transfer [device_name]
Change the currently playing spotify device |
;spotify resume
Resumes spotify for you |
;spotify toptracks
List your top tracks on spotify |
;spotify next
Skips to the next track in queue on Spotify |
;spotify queue <songs>
Queue a song to play next in Spotify |
;spotify share
Tell the bot to play the users current song in their current voice channel |
;spotify pause
Pauses spotify for you |
;spotify seek <seconds>
Seek to a specific point in the current song |
;spotify search [detailed=False] [search_type=track] <query>
Search Spotify for things to play |
;spotify previous
Skips to the previous track in queue on Spotify |
;spotify me
Shows your current Spotify Settings |
;spotify genres
Display all available genres for the recommendations |
;spotify repeat ["off"|"track"|"context"]
Repeats your current song on spotify |
Create a starboard to *pin* those special comments indefinitely
Author: TrustyJAID
Command | Description |
Commands for managing the starboard |
;starboard cleanup
Cleanup stored deleted channels or roles in the blocklist/allowlist |
;starboard autostar [starboard]
Toggle whether or not the bot will add the emoji automatically to the starboard message. |
;starboard emoji [starboard] <emoji>
Set the emoji for the starboard |
;starboard threshold [starboard] <threshold>
Set the threshold before posting to the starboard |
;starboard create <name> [channel] [emoji=⭐]
Create a starboard on this server |
;starboard selfstar [starboard]
Toggle whether or not a user can star their own post |
;starboard inherit [starboard]
Set whether to inherit the parent channels blocklist/allowlist settings. |
;starboard channel [starboard] <channel>
Change the channel that the starboard gets posted to |
;starboard info
Display info on starboards setup on the server. |
;starboard allowlist
Add/Remove channels/roles from the allowlist |
;starboard allowlist add [starboard] <channel_or_role>
Add a channel to the starboard allowlist |
;starboard allowlist remove [starboard] <channel_or_role>
Remove a channel to the starboard allowlist |
;starboard toggle [starboard]
Toggle a starboard on/off |
;starboard colour [starboard] <colour>
Change the default colour for a starboard |
;starboard blocklist
Add/Remove channels/roles from the blocklist |
;starboard blocklist remove [starboard] <channel_or_role>
Remove a channel to the starboard blocklist |
;starboard blocklist add [starboard] <channel_or_role>
Add a channel to the starboard blocklist |
;starboard remove [starboard]
Remove a starboard from the server |
;star [starboard] <message>
Manually star a message |
;unstar [starboard] <message>
Manually unstar a message |
Sticky messages to your channels.
Author: Tobotimus
Command | Description |
;sticky <content>
Sticky a message to this channel. |
;sticky existing <message_id_or_url>
Sticky an existing message to this channel. |
;sticky toggleheader <true_or_false>
Toggle the header for stickied messages in this channel. |
;unsticky [force=False]
Remove the sticky message from this channel. |
Various commands relating to streaming platforms. You can check if a Twitch, YouTube or Picarto stream is currently live.
Author: Unknown
Repo: Unknown
Command | Description |
;twitchstream <channel_name>
Check if a Twitch channel is live. |
;youtubestream <channel_id_or_name>
Check if a YouTube channel is live. |
;picarto <channel_name>
Check if a Picarto channel is live. |
Manage automated stream alerts. |
;streamalert youtube <channel_name_or_id>
Toggle alerts in this channel for a YouTube stream. |
;streamalert stop [disable_all=No]
Disable all stream alerts in this channel or server. |
;streamalert list
List all active stream alerts in this server. |
;streamalert picarto <channel_name>
Toggle alerts in this channel for a Picarto stream. |
;streamalert twitch <channel_name>
Manage Twitch stream notifications. |
;streamalert twitch channel <channel_name>
Toggle alerts in this channel for a Twitch stream. |
Manage stream alert settings. |
;streamset message
Manage custom messages for stream alerts. |
;streamset message clear
Reset the stream alert messages in this server. |
;streamset message mention <message>
Set stream alert message when mentions are enabled. |
;streamset message nomention <message>
Set stream alert message when mentions are disabled. |
;streamset mention
Manage mention settings for stream alerts. |
;streamset mention role <role>
Toggle a role mention. |
;streamset mention all
Toggle the `@everyone` mention. |
;streamset mention online
Toggle the `@here` mention. |
;streamset autodelete <on_off>
Toggle alert deletion for when streams go offline. |
;streamset ignorereruns
Toggle excluding rerun streams from alerts. |
;streamset ignoreschedule
Toggle excluding YouTube streams schedules from alerts. |
Post information about tarot cards and readings
Author: TrustyJAID
Command | Description |
Receive a tarot reading |
;tarot reading [user]
Unique reading as of this very moment. |
;tarot life [user]
Unique reading based on your discord user ID. Doesn't change. |
;tarot set
Set commands for tarot |
;tarot set deck [deck_name]
Set which deck to use from |
;tarot card [tarot_card]
Random card or choose a card based on number or name. |
A discord timestamp creator cog.
Author: TrustyJAID
Command | Description |
Make your very own discord timestamp! |
;timestamp absolute <time>
Produce an absolute timestamp. |
;timestamp snowflake <snowflake>
Produce a snowflake's timestamp |
;timestamp timezone [timezone]
Timezone related commands |
;timestamp timezone set <timezone>
Set your timezone for conversions |
;timestamp relative <relative_time>
Produce a timestamp relative to right now. |
Translate messages using Google Translate
Author: Aziz and TrustyJAID
Command | Description |
;translate <to_language> <text>
Translate messages with Google Translate |
;translate allowlist
Set whitelist options for translations |
;translate allowlist add [channel_user_role...]
Add a channel, user, or role to translation whitelist |
;translate allowlist remove [channel_user_role...]
Remove a channel, user, or role from translation whitelist |
;translate allowlist list
List Channels, Users, and Roles in the servers translation whitelist. |
;translate set
Toggle the bot auto translating |
;translate set settings [guild_id]
Show the current translate settings |
;translate set flag
Toggle translations with flag emojis in text |
;translate set react
Toggle translations to flag emoji reactions |
;translate blocklist
Set blacklist options for translations |
;translate blocklist remove [channel_user_role...]
Remove a channel, user, or role from translation blacklist |
;translate blocklist list
List Channels, Users, and Roles in the servers translation blacklist. |
;translate blocklist add [channel_user_role...]
Add a channel, user, or role to translation blacklist |
;translate stats [guild_id]
Shows translation usage |
Play trivia with friends!
Author: Cog Creators
Command | Description |
Manage Trivia settings. |
;triviaset payout <multiplier>
Set the payout multiplier. |
;triviaset stopafter <seconds>
Set how long until trivia stops due to no response. |
;triviaset timelimit <seconds>
Set the maximum seconds permitted to answer a question. |
;triviaset override <enabled>
Allow/disallow trivia lists to override settings. |
;triviaset botplays <true_or_false>
Set whether or not the bot gains points. |
;triviaset showsettings
Show the current trivia settings. |
;triviaset revealanswer <true_or_false>
Set whether or not the answer is revealed. |
;triviaset maxscore <score>
Set the total points required to win. |
;triviaset usespoilers <true_or_false>
Set if bot will display the answers in spoilers. |
;trivia <categories...>
Start trivia session on the specified category. |
;trivia info <category>
Get information about a trivia category. |
;trivia leaderboard
Leaderboard for trivia. |
;trivia leaderboard global [sort_by=wins] [top=10]
Global trivia leaderboard. |
;trivia leaderboard server [sort_by=wins] [top=10]
Leaderboard for this server. |
;trivia stop
Stop an ongoing trivia session. |
;trivia list
List available trivia categories. |
Changes the bot's image every so often
Author: Unknown
Command | Description |
;trustyavatar [style] [face] [is_gif=False]
Create your own avatar like TrustyBot's |
This is mostly a test cog to try out new things before I figure out how to make them work elsewhere Generally for commands that don't fit anywhere else or are not meant to be used by anyone except TrustyBot
Author: Unknown
Command | Description |
Should I deploy today? |
;ghostcommand <command>
Send a ghost command. |
Ping pong. |
Invites you to TrustyBot's playground for testing |
Donate to the development of TrustyBot! |
Get twitch user information and post when a user gets new followers
Author: TrustyJAID
Command | Description |
Twitch related commands |
;twitch setfollow <twitch_name> [channel]
Setup a channel for automatic follow notifications |
;twitch clips
Twitch Clips commands |
;twitch clips setclips <twitch_name> [channel] [view_count=0] [check_back]
Setup a channel for automatic clip notifications |
;twitch clips remclips <twitch_name> [channel]
Remove an account from new clip notifications in the specified channel |
;twitch clips view [twitch_name]
Get latest twitch clips from a user |
;twitch set <twitch_name>
Sets the twitch user info for individual users to make commands easier |
;twitch follows [twitch_name]
Get latest Twitch followers |
;twitch remfollow <twitch_name> [channel]
Remove an account from follow notifications in the specified channel |
;twitch user [twitch_name]
Shows basic Twitch profile information |
;twitch testfollow <twitch_name> [channel]
Test channel for automatic follow notifications |
;twitch streams
Twitch Stream commands |
Warn misbehaving users and take automated actions.
Author: Cog Creators
Command | Description |
Manage settings for Warnings. |
;warningset warnchannel [channel]
Set the channel where warnings should be sent to. |
;warningset usewarnchannel <true_or_false>
Set if warnings should be sent to a channel set with `[p]warningset warnchannel`. |
;warningset showmoderator <true_or_false>
Decide whether the name of the moderator warning a user should be included in the DM to that user. |
;warningset senddm <true_or_false>
Set whether warnings should be sent to users in DMs. |
;warningset allowcustomreasons <allowed>
Enable or disable custom reasons for a warning. |
Manage automated actions for Warnings. |
;warnaction delete <action_name>
Delete the action with the specified name. |
;warnaction add <name> <points>
Create an automated action. |
Manage warning reasons. |
;warnreason delete <reason_name>
Delete a warning reason. |
;warnreason create <name> <points> <description>
Create a warning reason. |
List all configured reasons for Warnings. |
List all configured automated actions for Warnings. |
;warn <member> [points=1] <reason>
Warn the user for the specified reason. |
;warnings <member>
List the warnings for the specified user. |
List warnings for yourself. |
;unwarn <member> <warn_id> [reason]
Remove a warning from a user. |
Get weather data from
Author: TrustyJAID
Command | Description |
;weather [forecast] [units] <search>
Display weather in a given location |
;weather zip [forecast] [units] <zipcode>
Display weather in a given location |
;weather set
Set user or guild default units |
;weather set user <units>
Sets the user default weather units |
;weather set guild <units>
Sets the guild default weather units |
;weather set bot <units>
Sets the bots default weather units |
;weather coords [forecast] [units] <lat> <lon>
Display weather in a given location |
Welcomes new members and goodbye those who leave to the guild in the default channel rewritten for V3 from
Author: irdumb and TrustyJAID
Command | Description |
Sets welcome module settings |
;welcomeset whisper [choice]
Sets whether or not a DM is sent to the new user |
;welcomeset goodbye
Manage goodbye messages. |
;welcomeset goodbye add <format_msg>
Adds a goodbye message format for the guild to be chosen at random |
;welcomeset goodbye toggle
Turns on/off sending goodbye messages to users who leave to the guild. |
;welcomeset goodbye list [raw=False]
Lists the goodbye messages of this guild and allows editing the settings. |
;welcomeset goodbye test
Test the goodbye message deleted after 60 seconds |
;welcomeset goodbye channel <channel>
Sets the channel to send the goodbye message. |
;welcomeset goodbye deleteafter [delete_after]
Set the time after which a greeting message is deleted in seconds. |
;welcomeset goodbye deleteprevious
Turns on/off deleting the previous greeting message when a user joins. |
;welcomeset goodbye allowedmentions <set_to> ["users"|"roles"|"everyone"...]
Determine the bots allowed mentions for greetings |
;welcomeset settings
Show the servers welcome settings |
;welcomeset embed
Set various embed options. |
;welcomeset embed icon [link]
Set the embed icon image. |
;welcomeset embed mention
Toggle mentioning the user when they join. |
;welcomeset embed toggle
Toggle embed messages. |
;welcomeset embed goodbyecolour <colour>
Set the embed colour. |
;welcomeset embed thumbnail [link]
Set the embed thumbnail image. |
;welcomeset embed timestamp
Toggle the timestamp in embeds. |
;welcomeset embed author
Toggle the author field being filled in the embed. |
;welcomeset embed footer [footer]
Set the embed footer. |
;welcomeset embed colour <colour>
Set the embed colour. |
;welcomeset embed title [title]
Set the embed title. |
;welcomeset embed image
Set embed image options. |
;welcomeset embed image greeting [link]
Set the embed image link for greetings. |
;welcomeset embed image goodbye [link]
Set the embed image link for goodbyes. |
;welcomeset bot
Special greeting for bots. |
;welcomeset bot role [role]
Set the role to put bots in when they join. |
;welcomeset bot msg [format_msg]
Set the greeting msg for bots. |
;welcomeset bot goodbyemsg [format_msg]
Set the goodbye msg for bots. |
;welcomeset bot test
Test the bot joining message |
;welcomeset greeting
Manage welcome messages |
;welcomeset greeting toggle
Turns on/off welcoming new users to the guild. |
;welcomeset greeting deleteafter [delete_after]
Set the time after which a greeting message is deleted in seconds. |
;welcomeset greeting list [raw=False]
Lists the greeting messages of this guild and allows editing the settings. |
;welcomeset greeting add <format_msg>
Adds a greeting message format for the guild to be chosen at random |
;welcomeset greeting count
Turns on/off showing how many users join each day. |
;welcomeset greeting filter [replacement]
Set what to do when a username matches the bots filter. |
;welcomeset greeting minimumage <days>
Set the minimum number of days a user account must be to show up in the greeting message. |
;welcomeset greeting deleteprevious
Turns on/off deleting the previous greeting message when a user joins. |
;welcomeset greeting channel <channel>
Sets the channel to send the greeting message. |
;welcomeset greeting test
Test the greeting message deleted after 60 seconds. |
;welcomeset greeting allowedmentions <set_to> ["users"|"roles"|"everyone"...]
Determine the bots allowed mentions for greetings |
;welcomeset greeting grouped <grouped>